New Research & Development Testing Space

Don Trigg oversaw the addition of a new environmental testing chamber that will accommodate the larger heat pumps and expands the research and development space at Hot Water Heat Pumps Ltd.

Mar 5, 2019

Keeping our heat pumps at the forefront of technology and ensuring their ongoing reliability has prompted us to enlarge our research and development testing chamber. We use this controlled testing space to simulate environmental conditions. We can data log performance information from our heat pumps under a varied range of ambient conditions. For example, we can test how a unit performs in temperatures of 50°C, typically found in Dubai in summer, or temperatures of -5°C which could be found in winter in Queenstown.

Don Trigg was on site overseeing and levelling up the new chamber which provides additional floor space. The increased size means we can accurately test a greater range of our heat pump water heaters - particularly the larger models. To find out more about our water enginneering team and campabilities and read about our reseach and development work, check out our section on engineering services.